Book Haul|| April.


I know I haven’t done a blog post in a couple weeks and I am so sorry for that! Life happened, so I haven’t really had the chance to be on here. Today I have my April book haul to share with you though! 😀 You can check out a full list of the books that I own over here. There’s links to different pages on my blog that show my e-books and my physical books. I haven’t updated that page since early February though, so an update for that is coming soon. Here are the books that I got this month…

Print Books:


Where the Road Leads Us by Robin Reul
Echoes Between Us by Katie McGarry
Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry
Girls with Razor Hearts by Suzanne Young


Save the Date by Morgan Matson
Bunny by Mona Awad
Schizo by Nic Sheff
Journals by Kurt Cobain

I didn’t have a chance to take pictures of my own books that I bought, so I used the cover pictures off Goodreads. I haven’t done a Book Outlet in like two years, so I finally decided to do it because I really wanted to Journals. I’ve been wanting to read it for so long now and it was only $8 there versus $22 had I bought it on Amazon. I decided to add some more books to my order, because why not? 😛 I got all of these books on Book Outlet aside from Where the Road Leads Us. That was a pre-order of mine, because I loved Robin’s other book My Kind of Crazy so much. I have an ARC of Girls with Razor Hearts, but I wanted the hardcover copy because I am really enjoying the book series so far. I still need to buy the third book though, so hopefully I’ll do that soon!

I own pretty much every Morgan Matson book, but haven’t read a single one yet haha. I probably shouldn’t have gotten Save the Date because of that, but whatever *shrug*. She wrote a book series under the name “Katie Finn” that I absolutely LOVED so much when I read it years ago, so that is why I always buy her books in the hopes that one day I will finally read them. 😛 I really loved Katie McGarry’s “Thunder Road” series, so I always buy her books. I still need to read all her other books and hopefully soon since I own them all. I guess it’s kind of like the Morgan Matson situation haha. Schzio has been on my wishlist for the longest time now and Bunny sounded good. I meant to read Bunny last year (or could have been early this year) when I checked it out at my library and never did, so maybe now that I own it I finally will.



Malorie by Josh Malerman
Love Always, Wild by A.M. Johnson
The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda

I really liked Bird Box and I am excited to read the sequel Malorie! I had a discount on Amazon and was able to get it for $4.99! Love Always, Wild sounded interesting to me, so I got that one and The Next Wife I was able to get for free with Amazon First Reads. I tried to stay away from many e-books this month since I always get so many and just never really get around to reading them, sigh. I am sure a lot of bookish people can relate to that though. It’s easy to buy them and forget them because you don’t see them. Although, I see the books on my bookshelves every single day and yet I get books from my library still LOL. #bookishproblems haha 😛

What new books did you get in April? Have you read any of the ones that I got? Feel free to link me to your haul post, so I can check it out!

I should have my April wrap up on Monday. I’m still working on it and hope to maybe finish one more book today to add to it, we shall see! I plan to blog hop and catch up on replying to comments then too. I got busy with things at work, so I didn’t have much down time over the last couple of weeks. Time I did have to myself I spent it reading or just relaxing with some of my favorite TV shows. The contract for my job ends today, so I am sadly out of work again after today and I’ll have more down time until I can find another job. So, hopefully that means I’ll be around on the blog more soon. Feel free to link me to any of your posts you think I should check out! I’ll make sure to make those priority when I go blog hopping next week. ❤

In case you missed it;
Do Book Covers Affect Whether I read a Book?
Mini Review|| Chaos on CatNet.
Bookstagram 2020|| Part two.

I hope you have a great day and weekend!