Will I Ever Get Tired of Blogging?


I have been trying to think of new blogging content to post on my blog and have been drawing blanks. I even stayed up until almost 5am one night just researching and looking for ideas! The search is still on-going, but I did stumble upon a weekly meme that looked fun and I wanted to try on on my blog. It’s called “Book Blogger Hop“. The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. Check out their blog for all the weekly prompts. This week’s prompt as you can see in the subject of my post is “do you think you will ever get tired of blogging?”

It is actually fitting that I started participating in this meme and the topic question is if I think I’ll ever get tired of blogging. This has been something I’ve been thinking about a lot over the last 2.5 years. I first started this blog in January 2015. That was SIX years ago! My first blog post was January 17, 2015! You can check that out here. It was a little bit of an intro post about what I wanted for my blog and what I was going to post about. The main focus was of course on books. I also wanted to post about music and pictures that I take. I think I stuck to that quite a bit over the years with the main focus and majority of my content being book related. When I first made that post, I didn’t really believe this blog would become anything. Because I tried many, many times to blog in the past about other things and I’ve always just quit shortly after. It’s hard to believe that I am still here after six years!

I’ve experienced so many new things because of this blog. I met so many cool people and friends as well! Friends I still have today since day one! I was able to travel to California because of this blog, I was able to go to BookCon in NYC, and meet some of my blogger friends there. I discovered SO MANY new books and built a pretty big book collection because of this blog. I’ve been able to connect with book publishers and meet some of my favorite authors too! Having my blog opened my eyes to so many new things and experiences, which I am SO happy about. Today I almost have 2000 followers, which to me is pretty huge considering I really didn’t think I would have many when I first started or that I would still even be here today. I am so grateful for everything that has happened because I decided to try blogging one more time.

As of right now, I don’t think I would ever get tired of blogging. I actually really love blogging! BUT…there have been quite a few times over the last 2.5 years where I thought about quitting. I’ve even started to blog a lot less than I used to. I wouldn’t say I’ve thought about quitting because I am tired of it though. It’s just most of the time lately I’ve been feeling so uninspired and trying to figure out new content to post has been really difficult. If I knew the kind of posts I wanted to make, I would probably be blogging almost daily. My struggle over the last couple years has been content. I feel like I am always posting the same things over and over again. I’m tired of posting the same things again and again, so it makes me believe that maybe you are tired of seeing the same type of posts again and again. If I had a some fresh ideas of what to post, I really would be around here SO MUCH again. I actually do miss being here more.

I think I need to challenge myself a little more to figure out what I want to do or where else I want to take my blog. As I first mentioned at the start of this post, I stayed up so late researching and trying to figure out new ideas for posts. I am hoping to continue to do that and hopefully get a spark of inspiration again! I really don’t think I will ever get tired of blogging. I love writing about books or things that interest me. I love sharing the pictures that I take and the adventures I go on. By the way, I need to do that more! I love reading your posts and connecting with you. I love the blogosphere so much. I think I will always be here in some way, shape, or form. You’re stuck with me! πŸ˜› I do get tired of not knowing what to post though and that can be so frustrating. That’s what makes me want to quit some days or makes me not be around as much as I used to. I have been in a MAJOR blogging slump for at least two years. I want out of my blogging slump. I just need to figure out how to get out and that’s the hard part, sigh.

With that being said, please feel free to let me know what you want to see from me. Any post ideas? Bookshelf tour? Bookmark collection? Funko Pop collection? Q&A? It doesn’t even have to be book related, whatever you want to see or what you want me to talk about. πŸ™‚ Do you think you would ever get tired of blogging? If you participated in Book Blogger Hop this week link me to your post so I can check it out!

In case you missed it;
Mini Review|| Where Dreams Descend.
Wrap Up|| March.
Book Haul|| March.

I hope you have a great day!