Mini Review|| Where Dreams Descend.

Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles
2 out of 5 stars

Goodreads Description: In a city covered in ice and ruin, a group of magicians face off in a daring game of magical feats to find the next headliner of the Conquering Circus, only to find themselves under the threat of an unseen danger striking behind the scenes. As each act becomes more and more risky and the number of missing magicians piles up, three are forced to reckon with their secrets before the darkness comes for them next. The Star: Kallia, a powerful showgirl out to prove she’s the best no matter the cost. The Master: Jack, the enigmatic keeper of the club, and more than one lie told. The Magician: Demarco, the brooding judge with a dark past he can no longer hide.

I received an ARC of Where Dreams Descend from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. It was published in August 2020.

Where Dreams Descend sounded so promising and the book cover is so beautiful! It ended up not being something that I enjoyed like I hoped I would. I am so sad about that, because I wanted to love it so much. I was immediately drawn in by the book description. It was a very slow start to the story and it took so long for things to actually happen that were exciting and would hold my attention. It wasn’t really until toward the end of the book that I was interested in what was happening. Because of the slow start and the lack of grabbing my attention, I wasn’t really invested in the characters. There were some things I really liked, like the magic. It just wasn’t enough for me to really fall in love with it. I thought the book was just okay. I can see why there have been a lot of people that really enjoyed this story though. Sadly, I wasn’t one of those people that did. I would still recommend checking it out. This was just one of those cases where it wasn’t for me.

In case you missed it;
Wrap Up|| March.
Book Haul|| March.
Friday Finds #89.

I hope you have a great day!