Wrap Up|| March.


Happy April! Is it really April already? March was overall a good month but I had a few distractions, because of that I didn’t read as much as I hoped I would. I had such a great reading month in February, so I was bummed about March. Luckily I am still ahead on my Goodreads challenge by five books since I read so much in February. It’s nice being ahead and not feeling so bad during the months where you don’t read a lot. Anyway, onto my March wrap up! You can find a full list of the books that I read this month and the other books I read throughout the year over here. All will be linked to Goodreads below and I will also link to individual blog posts for them if I did a review. Here is what I read and listened to in March…

Print/E-Book Books:
These are the books that I read myself (not audiobooks) throughout the month of March.


Killer Triggers by Joe Kenda – 4 out of 5 stars

I love Joe Kenda so much. I watch his show Homicide Hunter ALL the time. Killer Triggers is the second book of his that I read and I really enjoyed it a lot. He talks about some of the murder cases he worked on and what triggered a person to commit murder in those cases. It was so good and I really enjoyed this book. I hope he writes more books, because I always love reading (or seeing) what he has to say. I’ve been watching his new series on Discovery+ and it’s great. I think I have just a couple episodes left.

These are the books that I listened to the audio versions throughout the month of March.


Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare – 5 out of 5 stars
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown – 4 out of 5 stars

I finally decided to get back into The Dark Artifices series and listen to Queen of Air and Darkness. I listened to the other books in the series last year I believe. I loved it so much! It’s honestly crazy loving books by Cassandra Clare again, honestly. After The Mortal Instruments series going SO downhill for me (the last two books in that series were not good in my opinion) it made me want to get away from the Shadowhunter world forever. I decided to try again and I’ve been really loving The Dark Artifices series. Queen of Air and Darkness was so good and I had a lot of fun reading it. I left happy being back in that world again and wanting more of it! Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit was my March TBR pick. I’ve had it on my TBR since it was released in 2016! I am glad I finally picked it up, because I ended up liking it so much. I loved the friendship, the growth of the main characters (and other characters in the book), and the family aspect of it. I really enjoyed the story so much.

Currently Reading:
These are the books that I started to read in the month of March, but didn’t get a chance to finish them before the month ended.


The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles

I didn’t get a chance to finish The Mask Falling or Where Dreams Descend before the month ended. I am hoping to finish them in April though! I’m about 30% into The Mask Falling and so far I really like it. I’ve just been so slow at reading it because I haven’t been in the mood for it. I don’t want to force myself to read it if I’m not in the mood for it. I love this series SOOO much, so I don’t want to end up forcing myself to read it and not like it as much as I would if I were in the mood for it. If that makes sense? So I’ve just been reading it here and there in between other books. Where Dreams Descend is okay so far, but I am not loving it. I’m about 68% into it. It’s really slow with things happening, which I don’t like. I want something exciting to happen already, sigh. I’ll have a review of this one as soon as I finish it.

What books did you read in March? Have you read any of the books that I read? Feel free to link me to your wrap up post, so I can check it out!

You guys, I am so close to 2000 followers on my blog, which is insane! I never thought my blog would ever see more than ten followers, honestly. It’s really motivating me to want to be more active again. I really need to figure out a good schedule where I can blog more and be around more. That was one of my goals for this year and so far I haven’t been doing very great at it. I’ll come up with something soon. I think I may put together a giveaway soon, because I didn’t do one yet this year. I am hoping to catch up on your blog posts and reply to comments between today and tomorrow too. ❤

In case you missed it;
Book Haul|| March.
Friday Finds #89.
TTT|| Books On My Spring TBR.

I hope you have a great day!