Wrap Up|| April.


April was a pretty good month overall! I was able to get my first COVID vaccination! I’m getting my second one Thursday. I was able to see my family for my younger sister’s birthday and one of my best friends/cousin was able to come stay at my house for a few days. I got back into diamond painting again in April, so that took a good amount of my time but it also allowed me to listen to more audiobooks. I also started to catch up on TV shows I’ve been wanting to watch. I mentioned in my last post that my job ended, BUT they decided to renew me at the last minute so I am still working! πŸ˜€

As far as reading goes, I actually did pretty good in April! I managed to read/listen to TEN books! The only not so good that happened in April was that I did not read my April TBR jar pick for the month (UGHHHH), but I think as long as I read it before the end of the year I’m going to count it. πŸ˜› I just wasn’t in the mood for it, but I did read and listen to a bunch of books this month! You can find a full list of the books that I read this month and the other books I read throughout the yearΒ over here. All will be linked to Goodreads below and I will also link to individual blog posts for them if I did a review. Here is what I read and listened to in April…

Print/E-Book Books:
These are the books that I read myself (not audiobooks) throughout the month of April.


Chaos on CatNet by Naomi Kritzer – 4 out of 5 stars – Review
Date Me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye – 5 out of 5 stars
Hudson’s Luck by Lucy Lennox – 4 out of 5 stars

Chaos on CatNet was so much fun to read! It’s the sequel to Catfishing on CatNet. Feel free to check out my review (linked above) to see more of what I thought about it. I’ve been wanting to read Date Me, Bryson Keller for like a year now and finally decided to read in. I flew through it because it was SO GOOD and hard to put down. I loved it so much, which as you can see, I gave it five stars! Hudson’s Luck was a random book I decided to read because it sounded interesting and I really liked it. It was cute and I flew through it.

These are the books that I listened to the audio versions throughout the month of April.

wheredreamsdescendnightofthedragonOne of Us is Next FINAL cover.indd

Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles – 2 out of 5 stars – Review
Night of the Dragon by Julie Kagawa – 5 out of 5 stars
One of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus – 4 out of 5 stars

I had high hopes for Where Dreams Descend, but sadly I was very disappointed. You can check out my review (linked above) for more about that. I finally got around to reading Night of the Dragon! Of course I loved it so much. It had been a LONG time since I cried my eyes out while reading a book, but holy crap did Night of the Dragon make me cry SO MUCH. I finished the audiobook in the car on the way to visit my family, so you can confirm with the husband on how much I cried haha. πŸ˜› I also finally read One of Us Is Next. It was really good and I liked it a lot, but I do think the first book was a little better. I still had fun reading it and it kept me guessing.


The Cousins by Karen M. McManus – 3 out of 5 stars
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dad – 4 out of 5 stars
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire – 2 out of 5 stars
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang – 3 out of 5 stars

I liked The Cousins, but I felt like something was missing from it. I wasn’t that shocked by anything and some of it was a bit boring to me. Spoiler Alert was SO CUTE! I really enjoyed it, but I wasn’t really a fan of the fanfic stuff. Everything else about the book was cute and fun though. I was really looking forward to Every Heart a Doorway, but honestly I’m just like “WTF” did I read? It was weird, kind of boring, and I still don’t understand it. *shrug* And because April seems like the month of finally reading books that I’ve been wanting to….I finally read The Kiss Quotient! I know it was REALLY hyped when it came out. As for me, I liked it, but I think it was a little too much for me in sometimes and I think maybe listening to the audiobook wasn’t the best route for this one lol. I’m glad I finally read it though.

Currently Reading:
These are the books that I started to read in the month of April, but didn’t get a chance to finish them before the month ended.


The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

I was really hoping to finish The Mask Falling by the end of April, but sadly I didn’t get the chance to since I was reading other books as well. DEFINITELY in May though. I am currently halfway through it and really enjoying it. It’s just really slow to start, because there’s so much information and things happening. I really love this series though, so I’m okay with reading it slow and taking it all in. I don’t want to miss a single thing! I am also listening to the audiobook of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. I’ve read the first two books in this series back in 2014. I really liked the first two books a lot and I want to FINALLY finish the series this year. It’s been so long since I’ve read the first two books, so I decided to listen to those two on audiobook before starting the rest of the series.

What books did you read in April? Have you read any of the books that I read? Feel free to link me to your wrap up post, so I can check it out!

I did some blog hopping last night and hoping to do some more this week too. Feel free to link me to anything I should check out in case I missed it. πŸ™‚ I still need to reply to comments and I will do that today. Hopefully once I get caught up on things I missed in the blogosphere, I can get back into the swing of things around here again. πŸ™‚ ❀

In case you missed it;
Book Haul|| April.
Do Book Covers Affect Whether I read a Book?

I hope you have a great day!