Book Haul|| March.


I can’t believe it’s the last day of March already! This year has been flying by. Today, I am here to share my March book haul with you. You can check out a full list of the books that I own over here. There’s links to different pages on my blog that show my e-books and my physical books. I haven’t updated that page since early February though, so an update for that is coming soon. Here are the books that I got this month…

Print Books:


Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo
When Villains Rise by Rebecca Schaeffer
Have You Seen This Person? by LJ Roberts

I didn’t have a chance to take pictures of my own books, so that’s why you’re seeing the cover pictures instead. I always preorder all of Mary H.K. Choi’s books, so of course I had to do the same with Yolk. And same goes for Leigh Bardugo! I’m a little disappointed in the book cover for Rule of Wolves though. I thought it would be glossy and shiny like King of Scars, but it’s not. I really love the Market of Monsters series, so I had to buy a copy of the third book, When Villains Rise. I can’t wait to read it soon! I decided to buy Have You Seen This Person? because I love true crime and I don’t read enough of it. I’m always watching TV shows/documentaries and listening to podcasts, so I want to get more into reading true crime too and this one sounds interesting.



Connected by Rori K. Pierce
Super Fake Love Song by David Yoon
Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova
Killer Triggers by Joe Kenda
Lies We Bury by Elle Marr

Another month of being super picky with the e-books that I buy, which honestly is a good thing. I already have so many I still need to read. 😛 Connected sounded like something I would like. I read Frankly in Love and really enjoyed it, so I figured I would give Super Fake Love Song a try too. Incendiary has been on my Goodreads TBR for a while, so I was happy to finally see it on sale. Killer Triggers, because JOE KENDA! I already read it and really liked it. Lies We Bury was my Amazon Prime First Reads choice for the month. I picked it because it sounded interesting. I’m stoked to read these books, aside from Killer Triggers since I already read it.

What new books did you get in March? Have you read any of the ones that I got? Feel free to link me to your haul post, so I can check it out!

I should have my March wrap up in the next day or two. And I plan to blog hop this week, so I am excited to check out your blog posts. 🙂 Feel free to link me to any that you think I should check out! ❤

In case you missed it;
Friday Finds #89.
TTT|| Books On My Spring TBR.

I hope you have a great day!

Friday Finds #89.

These are books that I have added to my Goodreads TBR shelf recently. My Goodreads TBR shelf are books that I don’t own them or they are new books that have not been released yet, but they are books that I really want to read one day!


The last time I did a post like this was back in August 2020, yikes! 😛 I’ve added so many new books to my TBR since then and today I am going to share six of those books with you! I’ve included the book descriptions below and linked the titles to Goodreads as well, in case you want to add them to your TBR too. You can see more of my TBR shelves over on my Goodreads account over here and feel free to add me as a friend!


Where the Road Leads Us by Robin Reui
Release Date: April 6, 2021

Goodreads Description: Sometimes the best path is the unexpected one. Jack is on the verge for leaving for college, but before he does, he wants to track down his estranged brother, Alex and find some closure in the wake of their father’s death. Meanwhile, Hallie has just found out some upsetting news about a friend in Oregon, and she has a small window to go see him before it’s too late. Jack and Hallie are practically strangers. They shared a class together years ago and haven’t seen each other since, though they have more in common than they’d ever imagine. And when fate puts them into the same rideshare to the bus terminal, it kicks off an unconventional and hilarious adventure that may lead them to their own true selves…and maybe to each other.


Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas
Release Date: March 23, 2021

Goodreads Description: When children go missing in the small coastal town of Astoria, people look to Wendy for answers. It’s been five years since Wendy and her two brothers went missing in the woods, but when the town’s children start to disappear, the questions surrounding her brothers’ mysterious circumstances are brought back into light. Attempting to flee her past, Wendy almost runs over an unconscious boy lying in the middle of the road, and gets pulled into the mystery haunting the town. Peter, a boy she thought lived only in her stories, claims that if they don’t do something, the missing children will meet the same fate as her brothers. In order to find them and rescue the missing kids, Wendy must confront what’s waiting for her in the woods. 


Fresh by Margot Wood
Release Date: August 3, 2021

Goodreads Description: Some students enter their freshman year of college knowing exactly what they want to do with their lives. Elliot McHugh is not one of those people. But picking a major is the last thing on Elliot’s mind when she’s too busy experiencing all that college has to offer—from dancing all night at off-campus parties, to testing her RA Rose’s patience, to making new friends, to having the best sex one can have on a twin-sized dorm room bed. But she may not be ready for the fallout when reality hits. When the sex she’s having isn’t that great. When finals creep up and smack her right in the face. Or when her roommate’s boyfriend turns out to be the biggest a-hole. Elliot may make epic mistakes, but if she’s honest with herself (and with you, dear reader), she may just find the person she wants to be. And maybe even fall in love in the process . . . Well, maybe. 


The Cost of Knowing by Brittney Morris
Release Date: April 6, 2021

Goodreads Description: Sixteen-year-old Alex Rufus is trying his best. He tries to be the best employee he can be at the local ice cream shop; the best boyfriend he can be to his amazing girlfriend, Talia; the best protector he can be over his little brother, Isaiah. But as much as Alex tries, he often comes up short. It’s hard to for him to be present when every time he touches an object or person, Alex sees into its future. When he touches a scoop, he has a vision of him using it to scoop ice cream. When he touches his car, he sees it years from now, totaled and underwater. When he touches Talia, he sees them at the precipice of breaking up, and that terrifies him. Alex feels these visions are a curse, distracting him, making him anxious and unable to live an ordinary life. And when Alex touches a photo that gives him a vision of his brother’s imminent death, everything changes. With Alex now in a race against time, death, and circumstances, he and Isaiah must grapple with their past, their future, and what it means to be a young Black man in America in the present.


If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich
Release Date: December 7, 2021

Goodreads Description: Eighteen-year-olds Ruben Montez and Zach Knight are two members of the boy-band Saturday, one of the biggest acts in America. Along with their bandmates, Angel Phan and Jon Braxton, the four are teen heartbreakers in front of the cameras and best friends backstage. But privately, cracks are starting to form: their once-easy rapport is straining under the pressures of fame, and Ruben confides in Zach that he’s feeling smothered by management’s pressure to stay in the closet. On a whirlwind tour through Europe, with both an unrelenting schedule and minimal supervision, Ruben and Zach come to rely on each other more and more, and their already close friendship evolves into a romance. But when they decide they’re ready to tell their fans and live freely, Zach and Ruben start to truly realize that they will never have the support of their management. How can they hold tight to each other when the whole world seems to want to come between them?


You’ll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus
Release Date: November 30, 2021

Goodreads Description: Ivy, Mateo, and Cal used to be close. Now all they have in common is Carlton High and the beginning of a very bad day. Type A Ivy lost a student council election to the class clown, and now she has to face the school, humiliated. Heartthrob Mateo is burned out–he’s been working two jobs since his family’s business failed. And outsider Cal just got stood up . . . again. So when Cal pulls into campus late for class and runs into Ivy and Mateo, it seems like the perfect opportunity to turn a bad day around. They’ll ditch and go into the city. Just the three of them, like old times. Except they’ve barely left the parking lot before they run out of things to say . . . . . until they spot another Carlton High student skipping school–and follow him to the scene of his own murder. In one chance move, their day turns from dull to deadly. And it’s about to get worse. It turns out Ivy, Mateo, and Cal still have some things in common. They all have a connection to the dead kid. And they’re all hiding something. Now they’re all wondering–could it be that their chance reconnection wasn’t by chance after all?

All of these books sound so amazing and I am dying to get my hands on them. Have you added any new books to your TBR recently? Or have you read any of the ones that I added to mine? Let me know in the comments! 🙂

In case you missed it;
TTT|| Books On My Spring TBR.
Wrap Up|| February.
Book Haul|| February.

I hope you have a great day and weekend!

TTT|| Books On My Spring TBR.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.

Books On My Spring 2021 TBR.


I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I last did a Top Ten Tuesday list! I thought I would participate this week, because while I am super bad at sticking to TBRs, I do have some priority books that I want to get to as soon as possible! I’ve been trying to get to those first before anything else and these are the ones that I have left on my priority list. I am calling this my Spring TBR since I am prioritizing these books and plan (maybe hope is a better word :P) to read them within the next few months. If you’ve been reading my blog this year, then you’d know that this year I am trying to focus more on older books that I’ve had on my shelf for a while and the ARCs I never got around to reading last year. So, that is where most of this Spring TBR is coming from. Five books on this list are ARCs, two are from my old TBR jar (each month I am trying to read one book that I pick from my old TBR jar), and the others are books that I’ve really wanted to read and series I’ve wanted to finish. So, without further ado, here is my Spring TBR!


The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jay Robin Brown (March TBR jar pick)
Chaos on Catnet by Naomi Kritzer (ARC)
When Villains Rise by Rebecca Schaeffer (ARC)
Love Is for Losers by Wibke Brueggemann (ARC)


Where Dreams Descend by Janelle Angeles (ARC)
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston (ARC)
Night of the Dragon by Julie Kagawa
The Toll by Neal Shusterman
The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler (April TBR jar pick)

What books are on your Spring TBR? Have you read any of the ones on my list? Feel free to link me to your post, so I can check it out! 🙂

I am going to do some blog hopping this week to catch up with you and reply to comments. I haven’t really been around too much since I am going through this reading slump. I’ve also been addicted to watching baking competition shows on Discovery+ ever since getting into this reading slump. So, I spend a lot of my time doing that when I get off work. I am hoping to get out of this slump soon…..fingers crossed! I had such a great reading month in February, so I am bummed that the first half of March isn’t going so well for me with that! Hopefully the second half of the month will be better. We shall see!

In case you missed it;
Wrap Up|| February.
Book Haul|| February.
Mini Review|| What Big Teeth.

I hope you have a great day!

Wrap Up|| February.


It’s March already!? And….it’s my birthday today! 🙂 Time seems to be flying by so far this year. As for February goes though, I had a really good reading month! I read a few books myself and listened to quite a few audiobooks. In February I was working my way through my Netgalley shelf and was able to knock three books off there and I only have three left to read. A lot of them were books where the release date had already passed, so it was nice to finally get those older ones read and reviewed. I did end DNF one of them though, so there’s no review for that one. I have two more older ones to read and then my last one is a release for April. I am hoping to get those last few books cleared from Netgalley between now and the end of April. Another cool thing is I am actually six books ahead on my Goodreads challenge! I think most of last year I was forever behind on my challenge each month. It feels good to actually be ahead and by so much! Helps to be less stressed about that goal.

Anyway, you can find a full list of the books that I read this month and the other books I read throughout the year over here. All will be linked to Goodreads below and I will also link to individual blog posts for them if I did a review. Here is what I read and listened to in February…

Print/E-Book Books:
These are the books that I read myself (not audiobooks) throughout the month of February.


You Say It First by Katie Cotugno – 4 out of 5 stars
The Dawn Chorus by Samantha Shannon – 5 out of 5 stars
Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway – 4 out of 5 stars

I really like Katie Cotugno’s books, so I am glad I finally read You Sat It First. It was sad and cute all at the same time. I loved the characters and friendships. The Dawn Chorus was a really great bridge into the fourth book in The Bone Season series. I loved it so much and I am really looking forward to reading the fourth book this month. I’ve been wanting to read Emmy & Oliver for YEARS….like five or six years? The year it was released it was actually my most anticipated book! I pulled it from my TBR jar as my February TBR jar pick and I am so happy that I did. I really enjoyed reading it. I completely forgot what it was about and didn’t read the book description before actually starting it, so it was mostly a surprise for me. A good surprise! It had some pretty sad moments, but overall it was such a great story!

These are the books that I listened to the audio versions throughout the month of February.

thesongrisingadmissionwhatbigteethnotevenbonesNot Even Bones RD 7 Final

The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon – 4 out of 5 stars
Admission by Julie Buxbaum – 3 out of 5 stars – Review
What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo – 2 out of 5 stars – Review
Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer – 5 out of 5 starsPast Review
Only Ashes Remain by Rebecca Schaeffer – 5 out of 5 stars

The Song Rising (The Bone Season series) and Not Even Bones (Market of Monsters series) were both rereads for me. I wanted to reread them, so I could continue with the both series. It was so great getting back into them and I am excited about reading the new books in both series. Only Ashes Remains is the second book in the Market of Monsters series and it did not disappoint. It’s a dark and twisted series and it’s so fun to read! Hoping to read the last book this month and get my review up for that. It’s one of the books on my Netgalley shelf that I’m trying to clear off. And speaking of clearing my Netgalley shelf, I finally got around to checking out Admissions and What Big Teeth. I liked Admissions, but it didn’t blow me away like I had hoped it would. I still recommend checking it out though. I was really disappointed with What Big Teeth, sadly. I had really high hopes for it, but it ended up not being for me. 😦 Feel free to check out my reviews linked above for more about them!

DNF (Did Not Finish):
These are the books that I tried to read in the month of February, but ended up not being for me so I stopped.


Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass

Surrender Your Sons was the ARC that I ended up DNF. I think I read about 30% of it, but I just couldn’t finish it. I think that a lot of people would like reading it, but it just wasn’t for me. It was a really difficult topic to read about and I found myself struggling to read it because of that. I didn’t stop because it was a bad book or anything like that, it was just too hard for me to read and it wasn’t exactly what I expected it was going to be. I would still recommend checking it out, I think it’s a really important topic.

What books did you read in February? Have you read any of the books that I read? Feel free to link me to your wrap up post, so I can check it out!

In case you missed it;
Book Haul|| February

I hope you have a great day!

Book Haul|| February.


Happy March! 🙂 I am here to share my February book haul today. It’s actually a pretty small haul this time. I think I am getting a little more pickier with what I buy these days. Not that that’s a bad thing though, considering I have like 700+ unread books lol. YIKES! I’m working on reading them. One day, one day. 😛 Anyway, shall I get into February book haul? You can check out a full list of the books that I own over here. There’s links to different pages on my blog that show my e-books and my physical books.

Print Books:


The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson
Have You Seen Luis Velez? by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Unbirthday by Liz Braswell

I went to a used bookstore in my area and left with The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley, which I have been wanting to read for a while now! I also got Have You Seen Luis Velez? from that same bookstore that trip as well. I read a book by Catherine Ryan Hyde years ago and loved it, so I am excited to check out more of her books. My birthday is on Wednesday (March 3) and my younger sister bought me Unbirthday. It’s an Alice in Wonderland retelling and I love Alice in Wonderland, so I am excited about it! I’ve been really wanting to check out all of the books in the books in this A Twisted Tale series.



The Wedding Game by Meghan Quinn
So This is Love by Elizabeth Lim
Deity by Matt Wesolowski
The Conference of the Birds by Ransom Riggs

Small e-book haul this month. There were a ton that I did want to get, but I tried to limit myself as much as possible. The Wedding Game was free with Amazon First Reads. I mentioned wanting to check out all of the books in the A Twisted Tale series and I saw that So This Is Love was on sale, so I got that. I really loved Elizabeth Lim’s series The Blood of Stars (Spin the Dawn), so I am excited to see her take on Cinderella! I’ve been wanting to read the Six Stories series for a while now and I keep buying all of the books when I see them on sale LOL, so that’s why I got Deity. Maybe I’ll finally start it this year? And same goes for The Conference of the Birds. I read the first two books in the Miss Peregrine’s series years ago and I enjoyed them so much, but for whatever reason I never continued with it! I always buy all the e-books when I catch them on sale, because I want to finally finish this series eventually and maybe that will finally be this year. I’ll definitely have to reread the first two books though lol. I started the series in e-book format, so I just continue to buy them in that format.

What new books did you get in February? Have you read any of the ones that I got? Feel free to link me to your haul post, so I can check it out!

Earlier in the post I mentioned my ridiculous amount of unread books and how I was working on reading them. Well, I decided to redo my TBR jar. It took me FOREVER to finish it because I had to cut and fold 700+ little pieces of paper haha. I’m glad I went with printing, because writing 700+ books, plus cutting & folding would have killed me. 😛 Future books I’ll have to write in, but if I stay on top doing that monthly, then it won’t be so bad!


I am pretty bad with TBR jars, but if anything, it’s a nice little decoration for my bookshelf. I am really hoping to use it as much as possible though. I am hoping that it helps me get to my older books that have been sitting on my bookshelves/Kindle for so long now. So far, I’ve been doing pretty good with choosing one book a month like I have for one of my 2021 reading goals. We’ll see what happens the rest of the year though. 😛

I should have my February wrap up in the next day or two. And I plan to blog hop this week, so I am excited to check out your blog posts. 🙂 Feel free to link me to any that you think I should check out! ❤

In case you missed it;
Mini Review|| What Big Teeth.
2 Stars, 1 Star, DNF of 2020.
Review|| Admission.

I hope you have a great day!