Bookstagram 2020|| Part Two.


I’ve had a bookstagram for quite a few years now. It’s “sociallyawkwardbookworm” if you’re interested! There were some years where I was REALLY active and posting almost daily. Then I started to become less active and only posting maybe once a week or once a month. I wanted to be more active in 2020, but that ended up not happening. And even now in this new year I’ve only posted twice! For this blog post though, I thought it would be fun to post all the pictures that I uploaded to my bookstagram account in 2020! I had a total of 21 posts, but some of those posts contained more than one picture. Looking through my pictures kind of makes me want to get back into bookstagram, but honestly, bookstagram can be a lot of work! Coming up with cool photo ideas, sticking to themes, finding cool props, and writing captions (which I think is SO HARD sometimes). I’ve also been buying books less than I was before, so not having brand new books to showcase plays a part in that as well. Sigh. I am including the captions that I posted with them. I’ll put a link at the end of this post with part one, but for today here is part two!

April 12, 2020.


Caption: happy easter, friends! 🐰🐣📖

August 17, 2020.

Caption: i haven’t updated my bookstagram since april 😭 it’s been a weird and crazy year because of everything happening in the world. i’ve also been struggling really bad with anxiety and depression this year, so my reading and blogging has taken a big hit along with it to where i’m only reading one or two books a month instead of 5+ like normally. i’m so ready for things to be “normal” again. i’m halfway through “beach read” though and it’s actually pretty good. what are you currently reading? ♡

August 27, 2020.



Caption: “who am i then? tell me that first, and then, if i like being that person, i’ll come up: if not, i’ll stay down here till i’m somebody else” ♡ // currently reading “alice’s adventures in wonderland” again ♡

September 20, 2020.


Caption: living for my new blood spatter bookmark from @thebookables! it gives me hella dexter vibes and i’m so here for it. it also goes perfect with the book that i’m currently reading. 🖤

October 2, 2020.

Caption: happy october! i posted my halloween themed TBR on my blog today (link in my info or! i love this bookmark i am currently using from @rusticpages! 🖤🎃 do you have any plans to read spooky books this month?

October 22, 2020.



Caption: i’ve been trying to read more spooky/halloween vibe books this month and using cute halloween bookmarks to go with them. 🎃🖤 // excited to start this graphic novel next!

October 26, 2020.


Caption: updated picture of my bookshelves. ♡ // we redid my book room over the weekend with new paint color on the walls (goodbye green) and new flooring (goodbye carpet). pretty excited with how it turned out!

October 29, 2020.


Caption: i posted my october book haul over on my blog today! you can check it out with the link in my bio or by going to // what books did you get in october? 👩🏻‍💻📚🖤

December 7, 2020.


Caption: just finished the cardan short stories and they were so good! 🖤

Again I struggled with finding a theme that I really wanted to stick to, so my pictures were just totally random. For the second half of the year, it looks like October was my best month for posting. I had so much fun posting all my bookstagram pictures from 2020 and I hope you liked them. 🙂 Maybe I’ll do it post again on my blog for this year if I start posting more over there. We shall see!

I am hoping to do some blog hopping on Sunday and catch up with you and reply to comments. 🙂 I hope you have a great day week. ❤

In case you missed it;
Bookstagram 2020|| Part One.
TTT|| Books I’d Gladly Throw Into the Ocean.
Will I Ever Get Tired of Blogging?

I hope you a great day!