Thoughts: Bone Gap.


Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

“Funny how you notice how beautiful things are just when you’re about to leave them.”

Goodreads Description: Everyone knows Bone Gap is full of gaps—gaps to trip you up, gaps to slide through so you can disappear forever. So when young, beautiful Roza went missing, the people of Bone Gap weren’t surprised. After all, it wasn’t the first time that someone had slipped away and left Finn and Sean O’Sullivan on their own. Just a few years before, their mother had high-tailed it to Oregon for a brand new guy, a brand new life. That’s just how things go, the people said. Who are you going to blame? Finn knows that’s not what happened with Roza. He knows she was kidnapped, ripped from the cornfields by a dangerous man whose face he cannot remember. But the searches turned up nothing, and no one believes him anymore. Not even Sean, who has more reason to find Roza than anyone, and every reason to blame Finn for letting her go.

What can I say about Bone Gap? I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it. This review may be hard to write and not the best, because I’m not sure how I feel about it.

It was weird and kind of confusing. It switched between the now and past. That made it confusing some of the time. It was strange, because I didn’t know if there was something magical going on or if some of these characters were just on some type of drug, or had some kind of mental illness. It was boring at times and some of the time I wasn’t sure I wanted to finish it, because I was just so confused.

I really liked Finn and I felt bad for him throughout the book. It annoyed me to no end that no one would believe him about what happened to Roza. It was also why I felt like maybe Finn had something going on with him. Someone in the town actually thought he was sniffing something, LOL. I was beginning to believe the town people, even though it made me angry no one would believe him. I was especially angry at his brother Sean that seemed to think Finn was a liar and at fault.There were a couple twists in the book with Roza and with Finn.

Overall, it was a strange book, but it was an okay read for me. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. I think because it left me so confused the majority of the time is why I didn’t love it. The times where I wasn’t so confused, I really enjoyed it. I do recommend it though, because I think a lot of people may like it a lot more than I did.

“I’ve never understood why people choose to do the things that are hardest for them.”

Have you read Bone Gap? If so, what did you think about it?

That’s all for this post, but feel free to check out some of the other posts that I’ve done recently linked below. 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday || Series I Haven’t Finished Yet.
Weekend || Other Bookish Things.
eARC: Shattered Blue.

I hope you have an awesome day! Bye! ❤

6 thoughts on “Thoughts: Bone Gap.

  1. I had heard of Bone Gap, but the synopsis is really interesting! I can see why after reading the synopsis you would be confused if it was magic or not. It sounds really quirky! Great review 😊

  2. I have this book on my TBR for what seems like, well, forever. I felt like it was a confusing book, only from reading the synopsis, and you only confirmed that, haha. I’m still very intrigued about this story, though! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 🙂

    • It sounded very intriguing when I read the synopsis, but yes, lots of confusion for me at times. It was still a good read when it’s not so confusing. Maybe it won’t be so bad for you though! 🙂

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