Top Ten Tuesday||Series I Haven’t Finished.


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Ten Finished Series I Have YET to Finish.

Two posts in one morning! 😛 Hello, again!

I was debating on if I was going to do this week’s TTT post, because I couldn’t think of all the series that I haven’t finished yet that are complete series. I know there are tons that I haven’t started yet.

Here are some of the started ones that I haven’t finished yet:


The Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo
+ I’ve only read the first book Shadow and Bone, but I will definitely be reading the rest of the series.
Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness 
+ Same as above with this one. I’ve only read The Knife of Never Letting Go, but I will read the others soon!
The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater
+ I’ve read them all except Sinner. I don’t think I will be reading Sinner though.
Harry Potter series J.K. Rowling
+ I’ve read them all except the last two books, but I will be finishing up the series this year.


Artemis Fowl series Eoin Colfer
+ I’ve read the first two books in this series and I believe there are eight books in the series! I will eventually read them all.
Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia
+ I’ve read them all except Beautiful Redemption and I don’t plan to ever finish. I started to get bored with the series during the third book and I am so over the Caster world.
The Looking Glass Wars series by Frank Beddor
+ I only read the first book, The Looking Glass Wars. I do plan to read the rest of the series. I just need to get the second book, because I have the third one.
Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick
+ I only read the first book, Hush Hush. I will not be finishing this series, because the first book was not good at all.

Here are a couple that I haven’t started, but really want to read soon!


Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi
Legend series by Marie Lu

These two series are high on my TBR, because they both sound amazing! I have a copy of the first book for each of these, so I am hoping to get to them both at some point before the end of the year. I know so many people are raving about these two series, so I definitely want to check them out!

What are some of the completed series that you haven’t finished yet? If you have a TTT post, link me to it and I’ll check it out! 🙂

I made a post a few hours ago about my weekend and some random bookish talk. You can check that out OVER HERE in case you missed it. Catch up with you guys later! ❤

Weekend||Other Bookish Things.

Hey! 🙂

I hope you had an awesome weekend! I was able to have a three day weekend, which was so nice! The time flew by though and that was not so nice. I’ve been feeling kind of slumpish, but I knew that was going to happen with how my month of August went in terms of reading and not really enjoying what I was reading. I was able to finish two books though; one a novella.


Shattered Blue by Lauren Bird Horowitz
Queen Song by Victoria Aveyard (3 out of 5 stars)

I enjoyed Shattered Blue so much and you can check out my review OVER HERE. Queen Song was a good short read and a novella in the Red Queen series. It didn’t blow me away like Red Queen did, but it was still a good read. I ended up putting Never Always Sometimes back on my bookshelf. I’m not in the mood for it and I don’t want to force myself to read it and end up not liking it. Instead, I chose to read another Netgalley I received.


Time to Die by Caroline Mitchell

It sounds really good and it’ll be released at the end of this month. Murders, serial killers, YES PLEASE! I will of course be doing a review on it as soon as I finish it. This weekend I got two books in the mail and I was pretty excited, because they came three days early. I’ll just include them here instead of waiting until the end of the month for a book haul post.

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

First I must point out how amazing these book covers are! I can’t wait to reread Everything, Everything. I read an eARC of it and loved it so much. Vengeance Road was one of my most anticipated releases for this year, so I had to get it! So stoked about it. 🙂

My cousin Michelle came over on Saturday to drop off Bella. I’m dogsitting her again for a week. We also went to take her son Trace to get his first haircut. That was cute even though he was not happy about it.

Here’s a picture of Bella and then of Trace petting my pup Dax. 


I am in the process of redoing my TBR book jar. I love my red jar I got a couple months ago, but now that I went to get colored paper, you can’t really see that they are colorful in the jar. I need a different one at some point. I’m redoing it, because I deleted a bunch of e-books and lost track of what I added and didn’t add to it. I’m not finished with it yet. There’s about 200 pieces of paper I need make and fold. I got tired of doing it half way through. lol. If my printer had ink it would have made things so much easier!


Here is ColbyJack forever making things difficult. He’s too cute to move though, so I tried to work around him when doing my book jar. I had to unfold all those little white papers to write down all the book titles to add to the colored strips I made.


And a picture of my pup Dax, his face is just too cute not to share this picture with everyone, lol.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Hopefully I’ll get back into the swing of things with doing more reviews. I’ll probably finish the audiobook of Bone Gap today and do a review on that. I’ll also be starting the sixth Harry Potter book this week too. I have a few tag posts coming soon too. Off to work! I hope you have a great day! Bye! ❤