WWW Wednesday #18.


WWW Wednesday is a weekly MEME hosted by Taking on a World of Words. Simply answer the following questions. 🙂

 The three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

*Goodreads linked below.


I actually had a good reading week with finishing some books and audiobooks. It hasn’t been the best month and I know I’ve mentioned that quite a bit! Here’s what I’ve had going on as far as books in the last week or so…

Currently Reading:

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The Water Travelers by Daniel Waltz
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

I’m not too far into either of these, but I am excited to read them. The Water Travelers is pretty interesting so far and I can’t wait to read more! You should also go check out Daniel’s blog OVER HERE! I haven’t exactly started Deathly Hallows yet, but I am as soon as I post this! It’ll be the audiobook I listen to this week. I’m sad to see the series end, BUT I still have the movies to watch. I’ve only watched the first two so far.

Recently Finished:


The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

Shelbie sent me a copy of The Great Gatsby, because she knew I wanted to read it. Sadly, I didn’t like it as much as I hoped I would. I was confused a lot of the time. There were some times where I did enjoy it though. I’m going to watch the movie and see if I like the movie better. Dumplin’ was such a great book and I’ll link you below to my review in case you missed it or want to check it out. I loved Half-Blood Prince! There was so much going on and I really enjoyed it. I even cried a few times. 😦 Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favorite. I’ve said that a million times, lol.

Reading Next:


I have no idea what I will be reading next, to be honest. I do know it’ll hopefully be a spooky one for October! And maybe Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo. I think Shelbie and I are going to read it together at some point.

What are you currently reading? Recently finished? Reading next? Let me know in the comments and link me to your posts if you have one!

I am off to work! Here are a few posts I’ve done this week linked below.

Tag||How I Read.

I hope you have an awesome day! Bye! ❤