Random|| Life Update.


It’s been a few months since my last update, so I figured I would hop on here again and do another little update. Life has been rough lately, to be honest. The second half of the year has just been pretty hard, especially for my family. 😦 I’ve also been busy with work; it’s been a lot. I’m mentally drained 90% of the time with everything going on and then work on top of it. I feel really down and full of anxiety most of the time. Everything feels like too much at the moment. I miss blogging, but I don’t really have too much to blog about or if I do have something to blog about, I’ve let so much time pass before I get around to doing it that it doesn’t feel important anymore. πŸ˜•

Since my last post, I have only read six books. I’ve been reading maybe 1 or 2 books a month. It is taking me FOREVER to finish books. I am so sad about this because I want to read MORE, but I am too distracted to really get much reading done. I did complete my Goodreads challenge though, so I am happy about that. One less thing to worry or stress about! I usually spend a lot of my time playing video games instead. I’m hoping that next year I can get back into the swing of things and will read more!

I usually like to do a big Halloween TBR, but I’m not going to do that this year. I know I probably wouldn’t get through most of them if I did make one. Not with how long it is taking me to read books these days haha. There are two books that I really hope to read in October and one that I am currently reading that want to try to finish before the end of the month too. Here is my very small October TBR haha.


Shiver by Junji Ito
Never Whistle at Night by Shane Hawk (+more)
Mothered by Zoje Stage

I’ve read some of Shiver and so far I really like it. It’s my first time reading a Manga too! At first I was kind of confused by how to read it, but I figured it out lol. Never Whistle at Night sounded really good and I love the cover so much, so I ended up preordering the book and I’m really looking forwarded to reading all the stories. Mothered is a book that I started last month that I really hope to finish this month.

I did a little Halloween decorating over the weekend. I still have more that I want to do, but I’m not sure where I want to put other things yet and it also depends on my mood. I’ve been feeling weird lately with everything going on in my life that sometimes I just feel “blah” and don’t want to do anything or things don’t seem interesting to me anymore. 😦 But anyway, so yeah, I did a little decorating for Halloween! Here’s what I’ve done so far.


The vase of flowers I made myself with different artificial flowers and I think it came out really nice! I made two of them. I have a vintage looking ghost that I plan to put outside and some jack-o-lantern string lights that I want to put along my little fence in my front yard, so I still have that to do. So far I really like what I’ve done though. πŸ™‚ Definitely putting me in the Halloween spirit! πŸŽƒ

I think that is all I got for this post. It’s almost 9pm and I want to go relax before I have to go to sleep and work tomorrow, sigh. I will end this post with a picture of two of my furbabies though. Leaf & ColbyJack.

I hope you have an amazing rest of the week!

Hello, Central Florida.



Friday was moving day! We packed up the truck on Thursday night and Friday after work we packed up the kitties and the pup and hit the road to our new house. It’s a four hour drive from where we were living. I was so nervous about the cats in the car for four hours, because they hate the car! They cry non-stop in the car. Luckily the hubby took two of them and I only had to take one in my sister’s car. He took the two that are most scared, so I didn’t have to listen to them crying the whole time. It’s always so sad. Leaf (littlest and the one we took) didn’t make a peep! See took it like a champ. Andy said the other two cried 3 of the 4 hours. 😭


We made it around 10pm and started to unload some of the truck before it started raining. We did the rest the next day (Saturday). On Saturday I unpacked a lot of things and tried to put as much away as I could. The kitchen is pretty much done and so are our clothes. There’s still so much more to do though, sigh. My right arm is killing me today from all the moving and unpacking. Hopefully I can get a lot more done today though. We’ll see what happens!

My younger sister came up with us, because she’ll be staying with me until Andy comes up and until she goes back on the road (she was a truck driver and may go back to that job). She slept a couple nights in the room that will be my office/library until we finished the floor & borders in the guest room (pictures later in the post). I can’t wait until my desk gets here (Wednesday) and eventually be able to buy some bookshelves so I can unpack my books.

The cats took the new house in different ways. October is the shy one that’s scared of everything. Never likes being pet or anything. Always hides. Well…she’s loving it here! She’s out and about and very happy. She even lays with us and wants attention, which was never a thing about her before! She was the one I was most worried about when it came to this move, but she seems so happy. She loves all the windows. She spends a lot of time laying or sitting in front of different windows around the house.

ColbyJack (oldest) was not a happy camper. He spent a lot of time growling and hissing and just being grumpy. He also hid 90% of the time. Little Leaf wasn’t really sure about the house either. She hid majority of the time too. I really thought they would be cool about it, haha. Totally the opposite than I thought! I’m so happy about October though. I really worried about her. They other two kitties seem to be getting used to the house now though, so that’s a plus. I think that now that it’s not as chaotic, they are coming around.

My pup Dax loves the house. He’s been here before this weekend. We brought him up last weekend and he was so happy. He was even rolling around in the backyard. He has his own yard now! We didn’t have one at the last place and he’s never really off a leash outside often. Now he can be. At first he wasn’t sure about it, but by the end of the weekend he was rolling around in the yard.

There’s still so much to do, but I have plenty of time to do it. Hopefully by the end of the week it’ll be mostly done. πŸ™‚ Here are some other random pictures I’ve taken at the new house from last weekend and now.

We’ve been in the process of changing the floors in one of the bedrooms as I mentioned. We took the carpet out and put a dark brown wood laminate flooring. Next I need to paint the walls in the room. I’m unsure what color I want, but I think it’ll be some kind of shade of white. There’s so many shades of white!! We were going to do our bedroom with this same flooring, but I think we may use something else. I want to find a similar color though. We have other remodeling/updating that we want to do to the house, but that’ll come in time.


Second bathroom (not the master bathroom). This room is currently probably the nicest/cleanest room in the house right now, haha. We currently have boxes EVERYWHERE. I’ll be taking recycle out for weeks before we finally get all of them out of the house.

Processed with VSCO with av4 preset

My boss gave us a ton of furniture. The dining table and barstools above are some of the pieces that he gave us. The dining table glass is supposed to have that shattered glass look/effect. Andy thought it was broken, but according to the description and my boss it’s supposed to be like that lol. The dining table also has a leaf and two more chairs that we didn’t put out yet. Four is more than enough for us right now. Colby loves that table. He’s been out more now that we have it up. I love the bar stools. They are all the same shade (more the middle stool color), but the lighting and shadow makes them look different.

I’ll have more pictures of the rest of the house another time once we get everything put away and cleaned up. So far this is what is done. So until then, below are some random pictures I’ve taken of the area and outside of my house.




I seen the below banner hanging up on a window when we were driving through some of downtown Lakeland. A lot of the buildings have different banners of art like this hanging on their walls. We were driving or I would have taken a picture of them all.

Some random flowers and plants growing in my yard. I’m pretty sure the white ones and the orange ones only grew because the grass needs cut. I hate to see them go, but I love that I have this plant in my yard that grows these really pretty pink flowers.

These are all of the tree in my backyard. I take pictures of it every single time I am here, lmao. All different views at least. I got some close ups, some of the branches, and some through my lens ball.


I took this picture of my tree when we got here on Friday night for my Instagram stories (heyyitsashley) and I was looking at the picture after I posted it and with the lights/shadows it looked like a face and made me think of Grandmother Willow from Pocahontas, haha. πŸ˜›


The sky this morning from my front door. Forever heart eyes. It was actually 60 degrees outside too, which was so nice.

All week will most likely be spent cleaning and putting things away in the house during breaks at work and after work. I have so much to do. I also forgot that we have a ton of boxes that we put in the closet. I plan to go find the library and get a library card this week too. I’m hoping to finish one more book before the end of the month to include in my wrap up, which will be posted in the next few days as well as my book haul. I’ll also try to catch up with your posts at some point this week as well and reply to comments.

In case you missed it;
Random|| Life Update – New House!
Review|| Just for Clicks.
Friday Finds #75.
Review|| Comics Will Break Your Heart.

I hope you have a great day!
