Random|| Life Update.


It’s been a few months since my last update, so I figured I would hop on here again and do another little update. Life has been rough lately, to be honest. The second half of the year has just been pretty hard, especially for my family. 😦 I’ve also been busy with work; it’s been a lot. I’m mentally drained 90% of the time with everything going on and then work on top of it. I feel really down and full of anxiety most of the time. Everything feels like too much at the moment. I miss blogging, but I don’t really have too much to blog about or if I do have something to blog about, I’ve let so much time pass before I get around to doing it that it doesn’t feel important anymore. πŸ˜•

Since my last post, I have only read six books. I’ve been reading maybe 1 or 2 books a month. It is taking me FOREVER to finish books. I am so sad about this because I want to read MORE, but I am too distracted to really get much reading done. I did complete my Goodreads challenge though, so I am happy about that. One less thing to worry or stress about! I usually spend a lot of my time playing video games instead. I’m hoping that next year I can get back into the swing of things and will read more!

I usually like to do a big Halloween TBR, but I’m not going to do that this year. I know I probably wouldn’t get through most of them if I did make one. Not with how long it is taking me to read books these days haha. There are two books that I really hope to read in October and one that I am currently reading that want to try to finish before the end of the month too. Here is my very small October TBR haha.


Shiver by Junji Ito
Never Whistle at Night by Shane Hawk (+more)
Mothered by Zoje Stage

I’ve read some of Shiver and so far I really like it. It’s my first time reading a Manga too! At first I was kind of confused by how to read it, but I figured it out lol. Never Whistle at Night sounded really good and I love the cover so much, so I ended up preordering the book and I’m really looking forwarded to reading all the stories. Mothered is a book that I started last month that I really hope to finish this month.

I did a little Halloween decorating over the weekend. I still have more that I want to do, but I’m not sure where I want to put other things yet and it also depends on my mood. I’ve been feeling weird lately with everything going on in my life that sometimes I just feel “blah” and don’t want to do anything or things don’t seem interesting to me anymore. 😦 But anyway, so yeah, I did a little decorating for Halloween! Here’s what I’ve done so far.


The vase of flowers I made myself with different artificial flowers and I think it came out really nice! I made two of them. I have a vintage looking ghost that I plan to put outside and some jack-o-lantern string lights that I want to put along my little fence in my front yard, so I still have that to do. So far I really like what I’ve done though. πŸ™‚ Definitely putting me in the Halloween spirit! πŸŽƒ

I think that is all I got for this post. It’s almost 9pm and I want to go relax before I have to go to sleep and work tomorrow, sigh. I will end this post with a picture of two of my furbabies though. Leaf & ColbyJack.

I hope you have an amazing rest of the week!

5 thoughts on “Random|| Life Update.

  1. I’m so sorry things have been so rough. I went through a tough time the end of last year and the beginning of this year where I could barely read anything. I felt so guilty, but like I just could not focus. I ended up taking half the year off from blogging. Sometimes a break just happens, not because you plan it, but because life just starts throwing you curveballs. I hope things start settling down for you and that you are able to spend time focusing on your mental health. Be gentle with yourself, friend, and if you are able to return, the community will still be here. Wishing you the best πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

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