2022 Reading Goals.


I hope you’re having a great start to the new year. I thought I would once again post my reading/blogging goals for the year. It’s always fun to think about and to make lists. Some of these goals may be repeats or similar from last year, because I really want to continue to stick to those goals this year as well or finally accomplish them if I haven’t in past years. I’m keeping my goals list short this year, because 2021 was a really difficult year and I don’t want to overwhelm or stress myself out this year.

2022 Goodreads Challenge. I am keeping my Goodreads challenge to 50 books again this year. The last couple years, if it wasn’t for counting audiobooks toward my reading goal (which I don’t usually do), I wouldn’t have completed my challenges. So, I’m keeping it at 50 books and hope for the best. It was honestly a challenging year for me as far as my mental health goes. I will probably count audiobooks toward my challenge again this year. Fingers crossed I actually read more books myself this year though.

ARCs/no ARCs. This was a goal I had last year and it basically was to not request any (or many) ARCs. I did pretty well with not requesting, but the few that I did request I never got around to reading them. So, I want to keep this goal for this year and I want to focus on reading the ones that I have from 2021 and get my reviews posted for those. I’m sure I’ll still get a few here and there and that’s fine, but I don’t want to request more than I can handle. I really want to just focus on finishing older ones before I request new ones.

Read 20 of my own older books. What I mean by this is reading older books I own, anything I buy this year does NOT count toward this; rereads do not count either. I struggle a lot with this goal every single year, because new books get released and then I read a lot of library books and ARCs. I am drowning in unread books that I bought years and years ago. When I say I’m drowning in unread books, I mean by HUNDREDS of books. I was able to complete this challenge last year and I want to do that again this year and I even increased the goal by five books this year. Honestly, I need to stay away from the library as much as possible. I have my own library at home! 😛

Declutter bookshelves & Kindle. I want to go through my bookshelves and donate books that I know that I won’t ever get around to reading. I also want to delete books from my Kindle that I know I will never read. Right now I have soooo many books and I know a lot of them I won’t actually get around to reading or that I lost interest in. I think doing this will make me feel a little less guilty or stressed that I have so many unread books. There’s a used bookstore here that you can trade books in for credit, so that helps. I can trade books I don’t want for books that I do!

Write more reviews. I’ve been slacking really badly with writing reviews over the last few years. I used to review everything that I read and then for some reason I stopped doing that and started to only review ARCs or new releases. I want to get back into the habit of writing reviews again; whether they be full reviews or mini reviews. I may set a smaller goal within this one by writing at least one or two reviews a month for the books that I read.

Be more active again. I’ve been almost completely MIA this year on my blog. I couldn’t really find a balance between work and other things in my life. I also feel like my mental health was crap almost the entire year, because of that I wasn’t reading much or blogging much. I was putting my time and energy into video games or TV instead. I really want to try this year to be active more on my blog with posting more and coming up with new content to post. I also want to connect with you more! I really enjoy blogging and have made so many wonderful friends over the years through blogging. I want to try at least once a week. Maybe it will be more than that, but if not, once a week is a good balance for me right now.

There may be new or smaller goals that pop up throughout the year and that’s fine. This is just a list of the main goals that I really hope to stick to and achieve for 2022. Reminder to myself: no pressure if you don’t, it’s okay!

What are some goals you have for this year? Feel free to link me to your posts if you have one!

I have a few more posts that I am going to start working on this weekend for all the books that I read in 2021. The posts will be all my five stars, four stars, and so on! 🙂 I also plan to do some blog hopping and reply to comments this weekend too, so I can catch up with you. 🖤

In case you missed it;
2021 Year in Books.
Wrap Up|| December.

I hope you have a great day and weekend!

15 thoughts on “2022 Reading Goals.

  1. Best of luck with all of these goals, Ashley, you can do it! How cool that you have your own little library at home, ahah, these books are already waiting for you, that’s lovely! And I hope you’ll be able to find a rhythm and your love again for blogging. It’s been a tough year for a lot of us and I hope that 2022 will be kinder to you ❤ ❤

    • Thank you, Marie! Yeah, it’s nice having a little library at home. I really need to start reading my own books instead of getting books from the library lol. I am hoping I’ll be able to get back into blogging and finding a good balance soon. I do love it, so I don’t want to completely abandon it. It’s just been a rough few years, especially the last two. I hope we both have an amazing 2022! ❤ ❤

  2. Pingback: Mini Review|| Gilded. | socially awkward bookworm.

  3. Pingback: Book Haul|| January. | socially awkward bookworm.

  4. Pingback: Wrap Up|| January. | socially awkward bookworm.

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