Book Haul|| June.


Another month where I was bad with posting on my blog, sigh. I’m in a pretty bad blogging slump right now, honestly. I also think I’m in a reading slump too, but more about that in my wrap up. Today, I am here to share my June book haul, so I am going to just jump right into it. You can check out a full list of the books that I own over here. There’s links to different pages on my blog that show my e-books and my physical books. I haven’t updated that page since early February though (I really need to find some time to do this), so an update for that is coming soon. Here are the books that I got in June…

Print Books:


Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala
Girls with Rebel Souls by Suzanne Young
Straight On Till Morning by Liz Braswell

I always buy Nicola Yoon’s books, so I was excited to get Instructions for Dancing and I love how pretty the cover is. I was able to get Be Dazzled (I love the cover so much), Girls with Rebel Souls, and Straight On Till Morning on sale on Prime Day! I am really excited about all of them, especially Girls with Rebel Souls. It’s book three of the Girls with Sharp Sticks series that I have really enjoyed so far.

Books from Authors/Publishers:


Some Kind of Wonderland by Tara St. Pierre

Tara reached out to me and asked if I would read and review her new book Some Kind of Wonderland. Of course I said yes, because I’ve read her other books in the past and have really liked them. I also love Alice in Wonderland, so I am always excited about a retelling. Hoping to have it read and reviewed in July. I read the first couple chapters and so far I like it.



Stay Gold by Tobly McSmith
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore
Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado
Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims


Something Like Summer by Jay Bell
The Initial Insult by Mindy McGinnis
The Mixtape by Brittainy Cherry
The Seven Day Switch by Kelly Harms

And last but not least, my e-book haul! I got so many good books on sale and also a few of them for free with the Amazon First Reads program. I am really looking forward to reading all of these, especially Stay Gold since I’ve been wanting to read it for SO LONG now and I finally caught it on sale.

What new books did you get in June? Have you read any of the ones that I got? Feel free to link me to your haul post, so I can check it out!

I am hoping to do some blog hopping this week. I know I am a bit behind with that this month as well. 😦 I’ll catch up though; I always do even if it takes me a little bit. So, you’ll see me around blog hopping at some point this week when I get some time. 🙂 I’ll have my June wrap up soon, although it’s a bit of a disappointment with how much I read and I think everything was three stars. Hopefully July is a better month with staying on top of reading/commenting your posts and doing more posts of my own. Fingers crossed!

I will leave you with a couple pictures of one of my cats (Leaf) playing on my bookshelf. 😛

I hope you have a great day!

Wrap Up|| May.


I hope you had a great May! As for me, it was a bit of a busier month as I mentioned in my book haul post a couple days ago. Work has been a little busier and the husband and I have been doing a lot more walks almost every day in the hopes to try to get healthier and in better shape. Any downtime was spent catching up on TV shows and of course reading! I was definitely a little (okay a lot) missing in the blogosphere. Hoping June will be a better month and I can get back into the swing of blogging. I have two ARCs that I need to read, so hopefully I can get some reviews posted here. We shall see!

Below are a couple pictures from one of the walking trails that the husband and I have been walking a lot. We were able to see so many different birds and little creatures, like bunnies and otters! I really want to do a big picture post or a bunch of smaller ones since I haven’t done one in a while and I have SO MANY pictures to share, especially from all the walks we have been going on this last few weeks. You may see these photos again when I do the nature walk post/s. 🙂 You should follow my personal Instagram account if you want to see more or what I am usually up to when I’m not blogging or posting pictures about books! Personal IG: heyyitsashley (two “y” in “hey”).

As for reading, it was another month where I read and listened to a lot of books! This has put me so far ahead in my Goodreads challenge (I think 17 books ahead), which I am so happy about. Toward the end of the year is when I start feeling burned out and then the holidays, and I don’t read as much, so I am glad I am really far ahead. I enjoyed most of the books that I read this month, but I am a little bummed I didn’t read some of the newer releases that I bought. That seems to be a problem for me though haha. I buy books and then they sit on my shelf and I read books from Kindle Unlimited or the library. I’m horrible when it comes that. 😛 Anyway, you can find a full list of the books that I read this month and the other books I read throughout the year over here. All will be linked to Goodreads below and I will also link to individual blog posts for them if I did a review. Here are the books that I read and listened to in May.

Print/E-Book Books:
These are the books that I read myself (not audiobooks) throughout the month of May.



The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon – 5 out of 5 stars
Flirt by Lucy Lennox – 4 out of 5 stars
Facing West by Lucy Lennox – 5 out of 5 stars
Felix and the Prince by Lucy Lennox – 3 out of 5 stars
Wilde Fire by Lucy Lennox – 4 out of 5 stars

I finally finished reading The Mask Falling! I started it back in March, but I wasn’t really in the mood to read it yet, so it took me quite a while to finish it. I am so happy I did, because it was so amazing! So many surprises and one that left me almost dead. Now the impatient long wait for book five…ugh. I love the Bone Season series so much so far. I’ve been flying through the Forever Wilde series. I read two books out of order, but then decided to go back and read the rest of the series. I still have four more books to read from the series, but I may take a little break before finishing it. I still have a couple ARCs I really should get to reading instead lol. So far though, I am really enjoying the Forever Wilde series. I don’t really read books like this often, but maybe I should since I seem to fly through them.

These are the books that I listened to the audio versions throughout the month of May.



Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs – 5 out of 5 stars (reread)
Hollow City by Ransom Riggs – 5 out of 5 stars (reread)
Summer Frost by Blake Crouch – 4 out of 5 stars
Ark by Veronica Roth – 2 out of 5 stars
Layla by Colleen Hoover – 3 out of 5 stars
Forget Me Not by Ellie Terry – 4 out of 5 stars

I mentioned that I was rereading the first two Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children’s books, so I can finally finish the series this year. I listened to the audiobooks for those and it was fun rereading it that way and I definitely forgot so much that happened, so I am glad I listened to them. Hoping to start book three this month. I listened to the audiobooks of the first two Forward Collection stories. They were quick since they are short stories. I don’t know if I’ll read the rest of them, but I wanted to read Summer Frost and Ark, because I like Blake Crouch and Veronica Roth. I really enjoyed Summer Frost, it was pretty creepy! I didn’t really care much for Ark though. I decided to listen to Layla since I have a free trial of Kindle Unlimited and and with Kindle Unlimited, they had the audiobook of Layla. I enjoyed it, but I really didn’t like the ending that much. I thought it could be cooler and spookier, but oh well. It was still pretty interesting and different for Colleen Hoover. I’ve been wanting to read Forget Me Not for a while, so I decided to check the audiobook out from my library. It was actually pretty sad, but I really liked the story.

Currently Reading:
These are the books that I started to read in the month of May, but didn’t get a chance to finish them before the month ended.


Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina

I am currently reading Burn Baby Burn. It was May TBR jar pick. Since I got sucked into reading some of the Forever Wilde series mentioned above, I didn’t give much time to this one. Hoping to finish it in June though. I’m about a quarter into it and it’s okay so far. Not really a whole lot happening, so I am hoping that it starts picking up soon. Speaking of May TBR jar pick…I think I might skip this challenge altogether, because I didn’t read my April pick yet and I didn’t get through my May one throughout the month. So I think I might just ditch this challenge and read whatever I want and in the mood for instead.

What books did you read in May? Have you read any of the books that I read? Feel free to link me to your wrap up post, so I can check it out!

I think that’s all I have for this post. I did some blog hopping yesterday, which was nice. If I missed any posts that you think I should check out, PLEASE feel free to link me to them, so I can go read and comment them. ❤

In case you missed it;
Book Haul|| May.

I hope you have a great day!

Book Haul|| May.


I was horrible with posting on my blog in May and I feel so sad about that! It was a busy month for me with work (since I ended up getting extended) and some other random things in my life happening. I really want to get back into things here, but I need to figure out a good balance between life and blog. I did read a lot though and I’ll have my wrap up in the next day or two as soon as I get some more time to work on that post. For today though, I bring you my May book haul! You can check out a full list of the books that I own over here. There’s links to different pages on my blog that show my e-books and my physical books. I haven’t updated that page since early February though (I really need to find some time to do this), so an update for that is coming soon. Here are the books that I got in May…

Print Books:


Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West
Luck of the Titanic by Stacey Lee
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas


Kate in Waiting by Becky Albertalli
Pumpkin by Julie Murphy
Heartstopper Volume 4 by Alice Oseman

Another month where I ended up getting quite a few books. I’ve been being a little more picky with the physical books that I buy lately, because I’m trying to be cautious with the way that I spend money right now. I’ve been getting more e-books or borrowing from my library. BUT I had to have all of these books, so I couldn’t help myself and treated myself to some books again this month. I saw Listen to Your Heart at a discount bookstore and decided to get it because I’ve liked Kasie West’s books in the past and it was only $2.99 I believe. Luck of the Titanic and Lost in the Never Woods both sounded really good, so I had to have those. I’ve read almost all of Becky Albertalli’s books, so I decided to get her new one, Kate in Waiting. It also sounds really good to me, so I’m excited for it. Hopefully I like it, because sometimes her books are hit or miss for me. I needed Pumpkin to complete my Dumplin’ series and you guys, the rainbow spine is amazing (see picture below). And of course the new volume of Heartstopper was a MUST. I love the graphic novels so much. I plan to reread the first three this month, so I can read volume four.




10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston
Cursed Objects by J.W. Ocker
A Wicked and Beautiful Garden by Katie McGarry
A Fate of Wrath & Flame by K.A. Tucker

I did keep my e-book buying to a smaller number again this month. I wasn’t really looking too hard for e-book deals. I couldn’t pass up a new Katie McGarry book or a new K.A. Tucker book. I am really excited about reading both of them. Cursed Objects sounds really cool, so I wanted to get it to read in October as part of my spooky TBR when it comes time to make that. It’s true stories about cursed objects around the world. I’ve been wanting to read 10 Blind Dates for a while now and I saw that it’s perfect for a Christmas themed TBR in December. Thinking ahead for those holiday themed TBRs later in the year. 😛

What new books did you get in May? Have you read any of the ones that I got? Feel free to link me to your haul post, so I can check it out!

May wrap up coming soon and I will definitely do some blog hopping as well, because it’s been a little bit since I’ve last done that and I want to catch up with you! 🙂 Hoping to have time to blog hope this weekend (or maybe do a little bit at a time after work) since I have meetings at work all week, so not a lot of downtime as I did before when work was slow. And with that, I will leave you with a picture of my bookshelves from early May. I was able to move books to a smaller shelf to make room for new books! It’s definitely not as neat as pictured below anymore haha. I need to rearrange books to fit all my new books that I got this month, so they are kind of just all over the place. 😛

I hope you have a great day!