Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.

Hi 🙂

I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award by Emily @ The Diary of a Bibliophile, Hadjar @ Manyreads, and Nicole @ awayinneverland! You should totally check out their blogs! All their posts are fantastic and I love their blogs!


There are five rules that every nominee must follow:

♦ Thank the blogger that nominated you and link their website.
♦ Insert the award logo in your blog post.
♦ Answer the ten questions that were provided by the nominator.
♦ Nominate ten bloggers.
♦ Create ten new questions for your nominees.

Questions from Emily:

1. What is your opinion of e-reading?

+ I love e-reading! I was actually obsessed with it. It’s nice being able to have all my books with me and sometimes I feel like I read faster when I am reading an e-book.

2. Have you ever read a book and loved the story, but hated the protagonist? If so, name the book.

+ This is such a tough question! I guess the answer would be no?…but I liked the first three books in the Mortal Instruments series, but I HATED Clary so much. I also started to hate the series during book four to the point that I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

3. Name a book that made you want to read more.

+ The Hunger Games series. I used to not read anything that wasn’t non-fiction, but I decided to give The Hunger Games a chance and I haven’t looked back. I have been reading anything and everything since.

4. Do you have a preferred place to read (i.e. outside, library, Starbucks, your bed, etc,.)? If so, where?

+ I don’t really have a preferred place to read. I can read anywhere and everywhere. I mostly just lay in bed and read though.

5. Name a classic book that you have yet to read.

+ Pride and Prejudice! I plan to read that this year though and also To Kill a Mockingbird. I also plan to read that this year.

6. Is there a book that you read that changed your perspective on something?

+ Definitely Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. It was probably the best $25 I ever spent. I love that book so much and it definitely makes you think about life and other people.

7. Other than reading, what do you like to do in your spare time?

+ I love TV shows, so I usually catch up on all my favorite TV shows when I’m not reading. I also love taking pictures and find that really fun.

8. Are there any books that you want that cost more than $100? If so, what is it?

+ I don’t believe I have ever come across a book that was more than $100.

Questions from Hadjar and also from Nicole:

1. Did you have a book that meant a lot to you as a child?

+ I don’t remember too many books that I read as a child. I have a horrible memory, especially when it comes to things that happened when I was a kid. I did love Matilda though!

2. Is there any author or book that you collect and will always welcome multiple editions of the same title?

+ I buy every single Mitch Albom book no matter what! I love his books and his writing style, so I always buy his books. Physical and e-books!

3. Say that you find yourself judging a book by its cover (not that we ever do that!); what sort of covers do you go for? Are there any that are an absolute turn off?

+ I like colorful book covers and whimsical type covers. I like covers that really just stand out and are pretty; cute fonts, etc. As for turn off ones, I guess cheap looking ones or ones that have actual people on them; if that makes any sense.

4. If you could pick any imaginary animal to bring home to Mom with an earnest, “Can we keep him??”, what animal would it be?

+ Pegasus!! I would do chores for a whole month! 😛

5. Is there any book to movie adaptation that you simply refuse to watch? No way, no how, you’re not even giving them the opportunity to mess it up?

+ Nope! If I read the book, I will definitely be watching the movie. I always like to see how it turns out and even though it makes me angry (PERCY JACKSON), I will still watch.

6. What is the most unusual book you’ve ever read? (Plot, writing style, chapter layout, etc?)

+ I’m drawing a blank when it comes to this question!

7. Is there any book or series that you’ve read that is so totally outside of your normal genre, but you loved it and would recommend it to others as a “take a risk!” type of book?

+ I read and always recommend would have to be Eightysixed: Life Lessons Learned. I probably would have never read this or even come across it had the author not comment on one of my pictures on Instagram. I actually loved the book so much and glad she did! You will be laughing out loud throughout the entire book.

8. Do you have any bookish collections, or anything you covet and hope to someday collect? Candles, artwork, bookcases?

+ Besides books, not really. I do like buying bookmarks, so I guess I am slowly building up a bookmark collection. I actually bought some new bookmarks, so once I receive them I will definitely be sharing on my blog. 🙂

9. What book has been on your TBR pile the longest, but you just can’t convince yourself to pick it up?

+ The Infernal Devices series has been on my TBR the longest along with The Darkest Minds and Paper Towns. As far as The Infernal Devices go, I ended up not liking the Mortal Instruments series (like I mentioned in another question) and jumping into the Shadowhunter world again is something I don’t think I am ready to do and haven’t been. Maybe one day! As for The Darkest Minds and Paper Towns, I’m not sure why I haven’t read them yet! I have both books on my bookshelf. I really want to read them ASAP!

10. You get a $500 gift card for all things bookish – do you run to your nearest bookstore and spend like a fiend? Or do you create pro/con lists (a la Rory Gilmore) to make sure you get just the right & perfect & wonderful bookish things? Or are you eyeing a particularly expensive bookcase somewhere?

+ I would probably buy a ton of books right away! I may make a list of the top ones I want to get first and then just add whatever after. So…is there a $500 gift card waiting for me somewhere??! 😛

My nominations are:

Feel free to skip if you aren’t into this kind of thing or if you were already nominated. If I didn’t tag you and you want to do this, GO FOR IT! And link me to your posts, so I can check them out! 🙂

My Questions are:

  1. If you were stuck in a book, which one would it be?
  2. What is your go to book when you are feeling down?
  3. If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere, which three books would you want to have with you?
  4. What is a book that made you laugh the hardest?
  5. What is one book that you wish was made into a movie?
  6. What is your favorite genre and favorite book from that genre?
  7. What book are you dying to read?
  8. Do you own more physical copies of books or e-books?
  9. If you could check up on anyone from one of the books you read, who would it be?
  10. What is a favorite book you’ve ever read and a book you didn’t like?

Thank you all for the nominations! 🙂 In case you missed it, earlier today I did a post about Red Queen and you can check it out over here! 🙂 BYE! ❤

14 thoughts on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.

  1. Pingback: Nominations & Thanks | It's All About Books

  2. Thanks again for the nomination! ❤ Loved reading your answers… I'm an e-book lover too, mostly because I can take my books anywhere I want and I actually read faster. The Infernal Devices trilogy is way better than the actual TMI series and I loved the steampunk elements and Victorian London setting. I read City Of Bones first and like you I wasn't sure whether to continue the series, but TID is on a whole different level.

    • I love that I can have my books everywhere with me. Since I originally started reading e-books before really getting into buying physical copies, a lot of my favorite books are e-book format. Everyone has told me and I’ve seen around that The Infernal Devices were better. Maybe one day I’ll get around to reading it. I may just listen to the audiobooks at work. TMI was great until it went on way too long. It should have ended at book three. Six books was just way too much to the point that the series wasn’t enjoyable anymore.

      • I started with physical books originally, but living in Latin America forced me to start reading e-books since original English versions are harder to come by AND way more expensive. Now, I love reading on my kindle, even though I still enjoy reading physical books as well…

        I haven’t continued TMI series after the first yet, so I’m not sure how it continues, but I’ve heard your argument before. Some series have potential but go on way too long… I guess that’s the advantage with TID; it’s a trilogy so only three books to worry about. 😉

  3. Pingback: Friday Finds #13 & Mini Book Haul. | dear world...

  4. Pingback: The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award | Book Snacks

  5. Pingback: The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award Part Two | Book Snacks

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