Creative Blogger Award & Stuff.


Hey! 🙂 I was nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by Rachael at Reading Rachael. Thank you again for the nomination! Definitely go check out her blog!

The Rules:

  • Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs
  • Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important)
  • Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
  • Pass these rules on to them

I’ve been nominated for other awards that have wanted me to give facts about myself. Trying to come up with some more facts that I haven’t mentioned before is always hard. Let’s see if I can do this. It’s only five, so maybe it won’t be as hard? lol 🙂

The Facts:

ONE: I have a horrible memory. I keep a journal and have for about 11-12 years and when I go back to read it, I have no memory of anything I wrote happening to me or things I did. I also remember very little of my childhood. If someone mentions something I did or what I was like, I really have no clue what they are talking about. I also can’t remember most of what happens in the books that I read once I finish and move on to a new book. It’s one of the most annoying things I have to deal with.

TWO: I am currently obsessed with bagels from Starbucks and I get one every single Monday. I used to do it four times a week, but it started to become costly, so I decided to make Monday Starbucks Monday. I’ve never missed one in about six months.

THREE: Since we are talking about Starbucks, I guess I should tell you that I don’t like coffee. I also don’t understand how coffee wakes people up or gives them energy. The times I have drank it (which is seriously like once or twice a year), it makes me want to instantly go to sleep. I will literally be falling asleep at my desk at work after I drink it.

FOUR: I don’t like staying at other people’s houses overnight. When my family goes back to Cape Coral (some more of my family live there) to visit, I never go with. Staying at other people’s houses just really bugs me and gives me anxiety. I like being at my own house, among my own things, and in my own bed. I think the only times I ever really go overnight is if my boyfriend and I stay overnight at his parents’ house. Even that is kind of awkward for me even though him and I been together 7.5 years and I love his parents so much!

FIVE: I love Cherry Coke. It’s my favorite soda and usually what I always get. It’s totally heaven and if heaven was real, it would be in my heaven. Every faucet, every lake, every ocean, would just be Cherry Coke. It’s perfect. Remember that time when Percy Jackson ordered Cherry Coke? Yeah…he totally had the right idea.

In all its goodness.


Coming up with new facts was kind of hard! I guess there really isn’t much to me? I like the little things, mostly. I also don’t ever really do much except read and watch my TV shows. At least most of the time, anyway. I’m simple. I always have been. I do want to travel the United States (and eventually the rest of the world). SAVE SAVE SAVE!

The nominations:

I didn’t check beforehand if you have already been nominated for this and have done it, so feel free to ignore if you have or if you want to do it again, that’s cool too. 🙂

So I mentioned it a few times that I was seeing Taking Back Sunday and they played with The Menzingers (which I love) and letlive. (which I wasn’t too big a fan of their performance). The concert was great and Taking Back Sunday and the Menzingers played so many songs and all that I loved. I love concerts so much and I am thinking of getting tickets to see The Story So Far again. I’ve already seen them three times, but I love them so much and they are so great live.

Taking Back Sunday. I love this venue, because they have a bar. So I chill back by the bar and drink beer and listen to my favorite bands. It’s so perfect!


All the excitement. 😀


I finally got my new debit card, but I am having some issues as a whole with my bank right now, which is totally lame. I did buy this app that was recommended to me called ReadMore and it times you as you read and at the end it gives your reading patterns, how many pages you read and how many are left, how long you read, random other stats, and also if you read at the same pace how long it would take you to finish the book. It’s pretty neat so far and I was able to actually read a lot more of Dorothy Must Die. I only have 166 pages left in the book! I hope I finish it this week, so I can try to start Throne of Glass. I’m really hoping that this app helps me out of my reading slump or I hope finishing this book does. I don’t want to force it, but I also don’t want to just not read. I started to listen to Linger again today and was actually starting to find interest in it, so that’s a good thing. I’ll have it finished by tomorrow and then I’ll probably jump back on to listening to Beautiful Chaos, before it gets returned back to the library.

Here are just some random pictures I’ve taken and then I am off to find something on TV until the boyfriend gets home. He is bringing Taco Bell home, which I am totally excited about. I am STARVING!

Enjoy the little things: pretty flowers, reading by the pool, and ring pops – one of the greatest parts of being a kid, or a grown up kid. Ring pops are good at any age, especially now that they have tons more flavors now than they did when I was a kid.


And this is my side of the bedroom, which is totally colorful and FULL of stuff! I love stuff, lol. You can see my furbabies in there too. They like my side of the room. I actually have the side of the room that has the most space, because I have so much stuff. Remember awhile back when I said the majority of the stuff in my boyfriend and I’s apartment was mine? Yeah…totally true statement.


Holy massive post, right? I probably should have saved some pictures for another post. OOOPS! This post is fun though and maybe even full of some creativity? It is the creative blogger award. 😉 I really should go now though. It’s Monday, so that means Bates Motel and The Following and ahhhhh! I read too much and watch too many television shows. Total fangirl when it comes to fictional anything though. Rambling again. I need to shut up, but before I do, you can check out my last post over here – reading slump chump. bye! ❤

14 thoughts on “Creative Blogger Award & Stuff.

  1. God I hate staying at other people’s houses overnight as well!! It makes me really uncomfortable not waking up in my own bed surrounded by my own things… -.-
    Thanks again for nominating me! Will do this as soon as I can! 🙂

    • I always feel so uncomfortable staying at other people’s houses. I also feel like I have to be extra “good” and can’t just do whatever I want. Super uncomfortable! You’re welcome! Can’t wait to see your post. 🙂

  2. Pingback: The Creative Blogger Award | The Diary of a Bibliophile

  3. Pingback: Nominations & Thanks | It's All About Books

  4. Thanks again for the nomination! 😀 I LOVE the colors in your room; I’m a color addict myself although I’ve limited it to blue and green at home… Mixed with lots of black&white and wood so my hubby feels at home as well haha. Colby Jack sure looks comfy in his box!

  5. Thanks for nominating me!♥
    I dislike coffee as well! My friends think I’m insane, but I just don’t get the appeal of it, haha
    I love your room btw, wish mine looked something like that!

  6. Pingback: Creative Blogger Award | awayinneverland

  7. Pingback: WWW WEDNESDAYS #5. | Dear World...

  8. Thanks so much for the nomination! 🙂 I love having a colorful room too! When I lived with my parents my walls were painted orange, blue and green and the inside of my closet was yellow! Maybe I’ll post a pic of it in my post. I also dislike coffee so much! I love the smell of coffee beans but HATE the taste of it.

  9. Pingback: Take-A-Step Thursday #7 – Everything’s Gonna Be All Right | Thistles and Whistles

  10. Pingback: Small Book Haul & Random Pictures. | Dear World...

  11. Pingback: Friday Finds #9 & Kindle E-books. | Dear World...

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